
At the beginning of the new year I decided to make the new year song and called it 'Wohoo 22'. This is my first attempt at making a song completely on my own. I first wrote the song and make a basic tune. Then I figured out some bass line and some background riff to go along with the song. If you want to record your song too, here are a few steps

1. What do you wish to sing about, in your opinion? It may be about your family, your favourite item, or an exciting experience you experienced. To assist you recall your ideas, jot them down on paper or share them with someone.

2. Invent a few words: You should write a song about your idea now that you have one. You can begin by singing any lyrics that pop into your brain, regardless of their meaning. If they don't rhyme, don't worry about it; just have fun and watch what occurs!

3. Choose a song: Finding a tune to match with your words is the next step once you have them. You might try singing along to a song you already know or making up your own.

4. Improve it: After you have a rough recording of your song, it is time to improve it further. Try singing the same lyrics to a different melody or rearranging the words. Play around with your song until it sounds perfect.

5. Make a recording of your song now that it is finished so you may listen to it whenever you like. You might ask someone to help you record your song, or you can use a tool like a phone or computer.

6. Locate a studio: If you want to improve the sound of your music even further, you can visit a studio. Many people work at studios, and they are knowledgeable.

7. When it's time to record the final version, the staff at the studio will assist you with singing into a microphone. To get the finest recording, they could ask you to sing it several times. Enjoy yourself and do your hardest!

8. After you've finished singing your song, the engineers at the studio will enhance its sound. They'll add special effects and make sure the song's many components blend well together.