My Sharona (The Knack)| Young drummers on Youtube | Drum Cover | Aarohan | 7 year old drummer

The awesome cover of “My Sharona”

Hey there, everybody! Guess what? I just did the coolest thing ever! I recorded a drum cover of the super-duper song “My Sharona” by The Knack. It was so much fun, and I want to tell you all about it!

First, I put on my super cool drumming outfit, you know, the one with all the stickers and my favorite superhero t-shirt. Then, I sat down at my drum set, which is my absolute favorite thing in the whole world. It’s shiny and has so many drums and cymbals.I started by tapping my drumsticks together to make sure they were ready to rock. It made a cool clacky sound. Then, I hit the snare drum to practice my awesome drumming skills. Boom boom! I was ready!

I played along with “My Sharona” on my headphones. The song is super catchy, and I couldn’t help but bob my head to the beat. My drums sounded amazing as I kept the rhythm going. I even did some fancy fills, like a real rock star!My feet were busy too, because I had to kick the bass drum pedal really fast, just like the drummer in the band. It was a workout, but I didn’t stop. I wanted it to be perfect!

My family cheered me on from the living room while I played. They clapped and danced, which made me feel like a rock star for real. It was awesome! After a few tries (okay, maybe more than a few), I got the best take ever! I finished the song with a big crash of the cymbals and a smile on my face.

Recording a drum cover of “My Sharona” was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. I can’t wait to do more drum covers of my favorite songs. Who knows, maybe one day I’ll be in a real rock band just like The Knack!

Thanks for reading about my drumming adventure. Stay tuned for more cool stuff from me, the coolest 7-year-old drummer in the world! 😄🥁🎶